May 20, 2010

me and my boys from this same weekend

May 16, 2010


This final stage stays closely linked to the first, that is, to his descent from heaven in the Incarnation. Only the one who "came from the Father" can return to the Father: Christ Jesus. "No one has ascended into heaven but he who descended from heaven, the Son of man." Left to its own natural powers humanity does not have access to the "Father's house", to God's life and happiness. Only Christ can open to man such access that we, his members, might have confidence that we too shall go where he, our Head and our Source, has preceded us. - CCC 661

May 12, 2010

real number 4 texting B16
+39 335 18 63 091

not real number 4 texting Hurley
+4 8 15 16 23 42

May 10, 2010

RIP Lena Horne

May 7, 2010

got this yesterday afternoon via email ...

Mannie...hope all is well...copies of new cd is en route to you...hope all is well...fs+...
"In work we have the most vital contact with the goodness of God and with his love, which purifies and elevates us." Cardinal Stefan Wyszenski

can't wait Father!!!

everybody check this new album out here @ Francesco Productions

May 2, 2010

Pope Benedict XVI and his love for music has emerged yet again in these words and video...

"Music is capable of opening minds and hearts to the dimension of the spirit and of leading persons to raise their gaze on High, to open to absolute Goodness and Beauty, which have their ultimate source in God."

Zenit text...
Benedict XVI Praises the Value of Music